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3 x WWW papers accepted, by Dr. Gareth Tyson

3 x WWW papers accepted, by Dr. Gareth Tyson

  1. Ting Liu, Tianhao Miao, Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Guangxin He, Jiaoren Wu, Xingwu Yang and Gareth Tyson. Demystifying Scaling Performance Bottlenecks in Distributed Deep Learning. In 31st ACM Web Conference (WWW), Lyon, France (2022). [Acceptance Rate: 17%]
  2. Pushkal Agarwal, Aravindh Raman, Kiran Garimella, Damiola Ibosiola, Gareth Tyson and Nishanth Sastry. Jettisoning Junk Messaging in the Era of End-to-End Encryption: A Case Study of WhatsApp. In 31st ACM Web Conference (WWW), Lyon, France (2022). [Acceptance Rate: 17%]
  3. Ehsan Ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Lik Hang Lee, Anish Krishna Vallapuram, Yue Yu, Gareth Tyson and Pan Hui. Short, Colorful, and Irreverent! A Comparative Analysis of New Users on WallstreetBets During the Gamestop Short-squeeze. In 31st ACM Web Conference (WWW), Lyon, France (2022). [Acceptance Rate: 17%]

“Characterising Usage Patterns and Privacy Risks of a Home Security Camera Service” by Dr. Gareth Tyson

Paper “Characterising Usage Patterns and Privacy Risks of a Home Security Camera Service by Dr. Gareth Tyson and collaborators has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the premier journal for mobile computing with an impact factor of 5.112. You can also listen to Dr. Gareth Tyson talking about it in BBC4 Inside Science!

SIGMETRICS paper accepted: large-scale measurement study of the EOSIO blockchain ecosystem

Although EOSIO is the first widely adopted high throughput Delegated Proof of Stake system with millions of accounts and billions of transactions, little is known about its ecosystem. This paper performs a large-scale measurement study of the EOSIO blockchain and its associated DApps, develops techniques to automatically detect bots and fraudulent activity finding thousands of bot accounts (over 30% of the accounts in the platform) and real-world attacks (301 attack accounts): 80 attack accounts identified have been confirmed by DApp teams, causing 828,824 EOS tokens losses (roughly 2.6 million US$).

Yuheng Huang, Haoyu Wang, Lei Wu, Gareth Tyson, Xiapu Luo, Run Zhang, Xuanzhe Liu, Gang Huang and Xuxian Jiang. Understanding (Mis)Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain. In ACM SIGMETRICS, Boston, MA (2020). [Acceptance Rate: 15%] [PDF]

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