Author: icastro

“Characterising Usage Patterns and Privacy Risks of a Home Security Camera Service” by Dr. Gareth Tyson

Paper “Characterising Usage Patterns and Privacy Risks of a Home Security Camera Service by Dr. Gareth Tyson and collaborators has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the premier journal for mobile computing with an impact factor of 5.112. You can also listen to Dr. Gareth Tyson talking about it in BBC4 Inside Science!

SIGMETRICS paper accepted: large-scale measurement study of the EOSIO blockchain ecosystem

Although EOSIO is the first widely adopted high throughput Delegated Proof of Stake system with millions of accounts and billions of transactions, little is known about its ecosystem. This paper performs a large-scale measurement study of the EOSIO blockchain and its associated DApps, develops techniques to automatically detect bots and fraudulent activity finding thousands of bot accounts (over 30% of the accounts in the platform) and real-world attacks (301 attack accounts): 80 attack accounts identified have been confirmed by DApp teams, causing 828,824 EOS tokens losses (roughly 2.6 million US$).

Yuheng Huang, Haoyu Wang, Lei Wu, Gareth Tyson, Xiapu Luo, Run Zhang, Xuanzhe Liu, Gang Huang and Xuxian Jiang. Understanding (Mis)Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain. In ACM SIGMETRICS, Boston, MA (2020). [Acceptance Rate: 15%] [PDF]

ICWSM paper accepted: political information diffusion in a Multi-lingual Social Network

This paper presents a characterisation of a multilingual social network in India called ShareChat. The authors collect an exhaustive dataset across 72 weeks before and during the Indian general elections of 2019, across 14 languages, investigating the cross lingual dynamics by clustering visually similar images together, and exploring how they move across language barriers.

Pushkal Agarwal, Kiran Garimella, Sagar Joglekar, Nishanth Sastry and Gareth Tyson. Characterizing User Content on a Multi-lingual Social Network. In 14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Atlanta, GA (2020). [Acceptance Rate 17%] [PDF]

INFOCOM 2020 Paper accepted: a large scale study of home security cameras

Home Security Cameras (HSCs) are now commonplace and constitute a growing part of the wider online video ecosystem. This paper
studies a major HSC provider (15.4M streams, 211K users). The study explores the per-user behaviour, identifying core clusters of users and extracts and identifies privacy risks and potential mitigations.

Jinyang Li, Zhenyu Li, Gareth Tyson and Gaogang Xie. Your Privilege Gives Your Privacy Away: An Analysis of a Home Security Camera Service. In 39th IEEE Joint Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Beijing, China (2020). [Acceptance Rate: 19%] [PDF]

Preprint released. Leveraging Data Science To Combat COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review

This paper attempts to systematise ongoing data science activities related to COVID-19. The paper reviews the rapidly growing body research, surveys public datasets/repositories identifies common challenges and pitfalls observed across the surveyed works. We also created a live resource repository that we intend to keep updated with the latest resources including new papers and datasets.

Latif, S., Usman, M., Manzoor, S., Iqbal, W., Qadir, J., Tyson, G., Castro, I., Razi, A., Boulos, M.N.K., Weller, A. and Crowcroft, J., 2020. Leveraging Data Science To Combat COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review, 2020 [PDF]

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